Salford interview

I went to an interview at Salford on the 22nd of February at half 1. We got took to a room where we had to leave our portfolios. We then got told to go and sit down while they looked through all of the portfolios. This took them about an hour. They then told us that they knew who was going to get an offer. At this point, I knew I wasn’t going to get an offer as I have only been doing fashion for 6 months. After 2 hours, I had my interview. I felt uncomfortable with the attitude she had towards me and my work. I dont feel like she looked at my portfolio properly as she told me that it was very photography based and there is no fashion design in there. She then asked me if fashion design was definitely what I wanted to do. She started to compare my work to other people’s work. She told me that I wasn’t ready to go to Salford and that I wasn’t getting an offer.

UCLan Interview

I had my UCLan interview on the 31st January at 10.30. We had a tour of the department before the interviews started. I was the last one to have my interview. They looked through my portfolio with me. My work on Blackpool came first so I explained how I photographed Blackpool and experimented with different things. My tartan work came next and I explained that I went online and found a suit by Vivienne Westwood. I told them that my inspiration came from this suit and her work. My movement work came next so I told them that the idea of layering from the tartan made me think of movement. They looked at my fmp blog from photography and my current sketchbook. They liked my portfolio and said that they could see my style of working already. They also said they would make a decision and put it on UCAS within 5 days. I asked about the placement year and was told that it was the 3rd year and would have to spend at least 11 months doing it. I also found out that I could split that time between a few different companies if I wanted to. I happy with the way the interview went and hope to get a place.

Work for portfolio

To help have extra stuff for my portfolio, I have come up with an idea to create extra illustrations and samples.

My idea was to ask people what there favourite songs are and listen to those songs. When I listened to the songs, I painted how I felt by using colours, lines and shapes. I painted 11 different things. 10 of them are other people’s favourite songs and 1 of them was my choice of song.

The first song was chosen by Sophie. Her choice was hold me tight by BTS. This song made me feel confused as it was in Korean. This is why I chose the colour black and used zig zag lines and lines that cross over. I then started to get used to the song and decided that orange was a good colour as I didn’t really enjoy listening to it but it wasn’t too bad. The orange is at the bottom half of the page as I got used to the song near the end.

The second song was chosen by Jess. Her choice was Pompeii by Bastille. I have liked this song for a while so I had a rough idea of what it would look like before I listened to the song. I used red in the top corner to symbolise that I really liked the song at thshe beginning. I then went on to use yellow in straight lines and curved lines as I still liked the song but not as much as the beginning. I spaced more red as the feeling I had at the beginning of the song came back. I then used a little bit of blue next to yellow as I felt a bit sad that the song had ended as I enjoyed listening to it.

The third song was chosen by Zen. Her choice was NCT 127 by Limitless. This song made me feel confused which I why I chose black zig zags. I then started to feel less confused but still didn’t like the song very much. Because of this I used blue and a straight line. I repeated this pattern as I kept alternating between these feelings throughout the song.

The fourth song was chosen by Garfield. His choice was where is my mind? By Pixies. When this song started, I didn’t feel too optimistic. I used black lines to represent this feeling. I then felt a bit better about it but still wasn’t 100% sure how I felt. To represent this I used orange and painted a wavy line. I then went back to not liking the song and painted the black lines again. The song picked up a bit and started to enjoy it so I painted a straight line in a bright yellow colour. The song finished quite suddenly which left me feeling slightly confused as I thought the song had a break in it. To represent this I painted a straight black line.

The fifth song was chosen by my mum. Her choice was Nightswimming by R.E.M. This song is quite calm and made me feel quite sad. To represent this I just painted blue wavy lines.

The sixth song was chosen by Luke. His choice was What’s my age again? By blink-182. I have liked this song for years so I knew it would be a bright page. I used red lines to represent how the song makes me feel quite excited at the beginning. I then used a bright yellow to paint wavy lines to represent how I still love the song but it doesn’t make me feel as excited as the beginning. Towards the end of the song, I get the same excited feeling I get at the beginning so I used red to paint another straight line.

The seventh song was chosen by Maisy. Her choice was Hometown Glory by Adele. As I like a few Adele songs, I felt quite optimistic towards this. I wrest calm when the song started so I painted a blue wavy line. I then thought I quite liked the song so I painted an orange wavy line. I repeated this pattern as my opinion didn’t change. Half way through the song, I got bored of listening nad wanted to change the song. To represent this I painted a black wavy line.

The eightth song was chosen by Hannah. Her choice was Acquiesce by Oasis. I wasn’t sure what to expect with this song as it isn’t my type of music. I didn’t really like the beginning so I painted black lines. Because I have painted a few black lines over this project I wanted to change it a bit by painting arrows. I then got used to it a little bit so I painted an orange wavy line. I then went back to not enjoying it so I painted a black line with downward curves on the edges.

The ninth song was chosen by Kristy. Her choice was True colours by Cyndi Lauper. I didn’t like it to start with so I painted a straight black line. I then thought the song was quite sad and calming so I painted 3 blue wavy lines to represent this.

The tenth song was chosen by Lauren. Her choice was The wonder of you by Elvis Presley. Before I listened to this song, I felt quite negative towards it. I didn’t know how I felt when the song started so I painted a black circle. I then decided that I didn’t like the song so I painted short, black, vertical lines. I went back to not feeling anything so painted another black circle.

The eleventh song was chosen by me. My choice was Milk by The 1975. This song makes me smile and feel happy when it first starts so I chose to use a bright yellow and paint curved lines facing upwards. The song starts to make me feel excited and makes me realise how much I love the song son painted a red zig zag line to show this. As the song nearly finishes, I start to feel sad because it’s nearly finished so I painted a blue zig zag line. As the song finishes, I go back to feeeling excited and loving it so I painted another red zig zag underneath the blue zig zag.

I want to use these paintings I did to create illustrations. I want to possibly add the lines and shapes onto a garment or make a pattern on illustrator. I think the painting I made for the song by Elvis will be the best one to make a pattern on illustrator. I have made my own stamps by using black sheets of thick paper and string. I glued the string to the paper in the shapes and lines I have used in my paintings. I want to paint the stamps and print it onto white fabric. I hope to use these in my portfolio. I don’t know how well the stamps will work but I will still test them out to see what happens.


UCAS interview 1

On Tuesday, I got an interview date from UCLan. The date is 31st of January at 10.30. For this interview, I need to get a portfolio together by making loads of different things. I am going to get to this interview by car. I plan to get there for 10 as I need time to register before my interview. This would mean I have to leave my house about 9.30 to get there on time. I got an email with further information about the interview and portfolio. I took a screenshot of this. I plan to leave my house about 9 so that there is plenty time to get to uclan and find where I need to be and register.


Monday 16th Jan

On Monday I got a conditional offer from Blackburn college university centre. I am waiting for an interview date. I started to get together work for a portfolio. As there isn’t any information on portfolios on the website I haven’t got much to go off and have to just put my best work in the portfolio. I had everything in different sketchbooks but have decided that it will be easier to take to interviews if I have everything in one book. Also I think if I have everything in one book it will be easier for universities to look at as everything for one project will be in one place instead of being in different places. I spent the afternoon putting everything into one book and organising it so it flows and makes sense.


Accommodation Options

I looked at the accommodation options for my uni choices.I want to find accommodation with an en-suite. I would also like to be as close to the university as I can as I would probably walk everyday.


I didn’t need to look at accommodation for Blackburn as if I stayed here, I would live at home.

Manchester Met

The best accommodation options at Manchester are Briarfields, Birley and Needham Court. All of these places are close to the university.

– Briarfields

Briarfields is a 5 minute walk away from the university. It is £139 per week for 42 weeks. This would cost me £5838 for the whole year. This would leave me with £661 for everything else.

– Birley

Birley is a 10 minute walk away from the university. It is £143 per week for 42/43 weeks. This would cost me £6149 for the year. This would leave me with £350 for everything else.

– Needham Court

Needham Court is a 5 minute walk away from the university. It is £139 per week for 42 weeks. This would cost me £5838 for the year. This would leave me with £661 for everything else.

After looking at this, I have realised that Birley would be too expensive as I wouldn’t have a lot left of money left for everything else. Because Needham Court and Briarfields are the same in price, it wouldn’t matter which one I would go to.


All the accommodation options at UCLan are good options.

– Boatmans court/Bowran house

Boatmans Court/Bowran house is a 3 minute walk away from the university. It is £99.47 per week for 42 weeks. This would cost me £4177.74 for the year. As the UCLan website doesn’t say anything about maintenance loans I don’t know how much I would have left for everything else.

– IQ Preston

IQ Preston is a 10 minute walk away from the university. It is £99.54 per week for 42 weeks. This would cost me £4180.68 for the year.

– Lawson Hall

Lawson Hall is a 10 minute walk away from the university. It is £97.37 per week for 42 weeks. This would cost me £4,089 for the year.

– Roeburn Hall

Roeburn Hall is a 8 minute walk away from the university. It is £99.54 for 42 weeks. This would cost me £4180.68 for the year.

After doing this research, I realised that any of these places would be good options to choose and wouldn’t matter which place I would choose to go.


There isn’t much information online about the accommodation at Salford. There are only two buildings, one is en-suite and the other one isn’t. Peel park quarter is the one with the en-suite. This building would cost £118 per week but doesn’t say how many weeks it would be for. Because of this I can’t work out if this would be a good option and how much I would have left for everything else.