Tuesday 4th October 

On Tuesday morning, it was the roundabout sessions. This week I did visual communication. Jo showed us a presentation of different things that we could do. She said that whatever we chose to do had to have a meaning. I wasnt sure what I wanted to do so I got some photos printed that could be useful. I decided to do something that shows what annoys me. I decided to start making a poster. I got some magazines and cut out a woman. I put her in the bottom right of the page. I started to make thought bubbles and put them so they are coming from her head and into to the top left of the page. Inside the thought bubble I put another picture of the same woman. 

In the afternoon, we carried on with what we was doing in the morning. I thought my work needed something else added to it. I wanted to use typography in some way. I cut some letters out of magazines and put them in the bottom left corner. The letters spelled out ‘people should think of others’. I did this because i hate when people just think about themselves all the time. I think my work went well, it makes me think of vintage posters. There isnt much that I would want to improve. I would improve the last thought bubble. I would change the shape of it and make it more round. I would also change the shape of the picture inside so it hasnt got a flat bottom. I an going to make more of these to create a series. I am going to stick to my theme of things that annoy me. I will also keep the typography so that all my work relates. 

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